Once again I have fallen into the pit of wanting to critique video games for my own sick amusement. I do not plan on rating based on a numerical system as I find it hard to justify giving something a score. Not because it is challenging, but because it can belittle what has been said or give the wrong impression. If you don't care what has been mostly said about the game then you shouldn't be looking the game up in the first place.
I digress, The purpose of this "blog", will be to pull a video game apart to its very core, to show all of its flaws and all of its shinings. I hope to show these in a very neutral way, showing no bias towards the company or things they have done in the past, unless it was a prequel.
You may disagree with the things I say, but I what I say may be fact or just opinion. I have been playing video games long enough to feel I can judge what would be considered "good" or "bad" in a game.
The games I review may be old or new, they could have come out last week or last decade. To start off I will be reviewing a game I played last year and once reviewed, Darksiders, in the next post.
(I may also start a twitter so follow me there too :D)
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