Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Don't Starve (Open Beta 2012 Finished Product 2013) Klei Entertainment

This game is currently in open beta and on sale in the Chrome market and on Steam. Get it. Seriously ... right now ... get it ... I'll wait.


Did you get it? Good.

Now Don't Starve is a sort of mix between Minecraft, Tim Buton and Bear Grylls. That is literally the best way to describe this game and if you aren't intrigued then you are doing life wrong. Anyway, neutral perspective and all that stuff.

Lets try this again. Don't Starve is what would happen if Tim Burton made Minecraft and Bear Grylls was his reason for making the game. Since the game is in Open Beta there is still much that needs to be done to the game, so this is more of a review of what has happened. Once the game is released I will do another short review.

When you start out you play as a character named "Wilson" who has found himself in a strange place he doesn't know and needs to survive. Currently there are 3 meters and a dial you need to worry about. The three meters are Hunger, which if you reach to zero you starve to death ... surprisingly, Health, which again if this reaches zero you die, and finally Sanity, when this reaches to a certain point you start to see things that aren't there and certain neutral monsters turn into nightmare creatures, once it reaches to another point they are no long neutral and you start seeing more things that aren't there. The dial represents what day it is, what world you are made it to and what time it is.

Now that you know what each of these metes and the dial do, none of this is mentioned in the game you need to either find this out in the game or at the games website ... or I suppose here, you can play the game and not die ... or starve. After you have your bearings you need to get your supplies like twigs, grass, loose stone, flint and berries. Then you make your axe and pickaxe to get wood logs and more stones, possibly gold. From there you make a science machine and be able to make more things. From there its just looking through the things you can make and try to make a plan and build them.

Now where this game differs from Minecraft is its almost nothing like Minecraft, however this game is one of the only games even similar to it. You need to mine things to build things and survive. However in Minecraft you build to survive in Don't Starve you need to survive a few days before you can even come close to building a base. The base values of the two are the only common parallels, after that Don't Starve is a unique game with an interesting art style.

Surviving for a certain number of days gives you xp, you receive this xp after you die or find your way into the new world. As of right now, xp only gives you new characters. Most of these characters have interesting and unique powers. (One of these is the amazing power to have no power!) These characters can change how you play the game and how you prioritize your survival.

Is that everything? I think I covered everything ... who knows (WARNING: EDITS EMINENT)

In Conclusion: Trying not to sound biased at all but, this game is very much worth your time if you want a very challenging build/survival game. As its currently only in beta its on sale and if you buy it on steam you get a gift copy. So remember when playing: Don't Starve, Don't Die, Don't Go Crazy and Don't Be Afraid of the Dark ... just kidding, be afraid of the dark ... be very afraid of the dark.

EDIT: The ability to make your own mods and more easily add other peoples mods has been implemented. The ability to have multi-player is not in the foreseen future by the devs, but several attempts have been made by the modding community to have a good multiplayer mod. Keep your eyes peeled.

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